Friday, December 2, 2011

Book Blogger Holiday Swap Gifts

Friday, December 2, 2011

The package has arrived today from Alyce (At Home with Books). After almost tearing open the package, I found three beautifully wrapped parcels inside. You would have to believe me here, because I didn’t stop tearing at the box, so due to my enormous impatience I have no photographical proof of it. Here are my gifts:

  • Holiday Cookie Cutter and Towel Set – at first, I looked at cookie cutter and didn’t recognize what it was at once, after couple of wild guesses, I read the label and thought: “Hmm, this is going to be interesting.” You see, I don’t bake. No, not on a matter of principal, I just have never tried. After examining a towel closer, I found a very detailed recipe (thank you designers for considering even customers like myself, who had never rolled dough or greased baking sheet). So with this delightful discovery I thought that I might even try making Snowman Sugar Cookies.
  • I guess Alyce somehow knew that I don’t know how to bake. So just in case I won’t master a courage to bake myself, she sent me some Wafers with Chocolate Crème.
  • Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter. This is the second instalment in A Heist Society series. I liked the first book, it somewhat reminded me (not in terms of plot so much, as in overall impression) of How to Steal a Million movie with Audrey Hepburn.
  • Trapped by Michael Northrop. I wanted to read this book since I first heard about it, but somehow never got to getting it. A group of teenagers stuck at school during an awful snowstorm and things just starting to get bad – chilling – a perfect winter read.
  • Alyce also sent me her all time favorite - The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri S. Tepper. I have never hear about this book before, however synopsis sounds very interesting, somewhat reminding me of The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I will definitely read it.
  • Last, but not least a very adorable card with Christmas stockings.
Thank you, Alyce, for such wonderful gifts.
Happy Holidays and Happy Reading!


Tanya Patrice said...

That was so sweet of here. How awesome to get all those goodies in the mail.

Alyce said...

You're welcome! I'm glad you liked them! :) It took me a while to stop by and comment because I've been on a bit of a blogging break. I'd love to hear what you think of The Gate to Women's Country whenever you get around to reading it. (No pressure though - as someone who has hundreds of books unread on the shelf I know how long it can take to find time to read them all.)

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